WLWV BIPOC Parent-Guardians Invited for Listening Session
April 7 @ 6:45 pm – 8:15 pm UTC+0
When: Date & Time: Monday, April 7 | 6:45 – 8:15 p.m.
Where: Location: Riverside High School
The West Linn-Wilsonville School Board invites parent-guardians who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and have currently enrolled students in the district to participate in a Listening Session focused on the district’s anti-racism policies (Policy AC, Policy ACB) and related practices.
This session is an opportunity for parent-guardians to share their experiences, perspectives, and insights directly with Board Directors in a guided discussion facilitated by an experienced moderator. The feedback gathered will help inform the Board’s work on Board Goal No. 1 and ongoing efforts toward equity and inclusion.
The WLWV School District has designated this event as an open meeting, and all community members are welcome to observe. However, to ensure that as many parent-guardians as possible have the opportunity to participate in the discussion, they ask that BIPOC parent-guardians RSVP through the following form if they plan to take part in the conversation. Space is limited.